Instruction for OBi202 VoIP Phone Adapter

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  1. Navigate through the browser into the SIP web control panel, go to the System Management menu, then click the Auto Provisioning submenu. Next, in the ITSP Provisioning menu, set two parameters:
    1. Method set to Periodically
    2. Config URL set to SYNC ­A=aes K=6b746342454a587a394d2a6246654321 ­IV=6b746342454a587a394d2a6246654321; SYNC ­A=aes ­K=6b746342454a587a394d2a6246654321 -IV=6b746342454a587a394d2a6246654321$mac.xml; SET TPRM1 = $ERR
  2. Reboot the device